Monday, October 19, 2009

Look Who's Turning 1!

Dear New Parents,

This post is especially for you. Please don't ever take it lightly when veteran parents tell you, "Enjoy every minute because they grow up so fast." This is 100% truth at it's finest. Our little one is on the brink of turning 1, yes, 1! We have a bonifide 1 year old in our midst.

I know I'm being overly dramatic and super nostalgic, but it DOES seem like only yesterday when we (well, technically, I) gave birth to her and the "breathing" specialists came in the room to assist our little one to take breaths of life on her own. She was born 3 weeks ahead of schedule, something only God and myself knew at the moment, while everyone else was in doubt. At 11:48 a.m., 10 hours after admitting ourselves to the maternity ward, Alyssandra Sofia came into the world. Deep down, I knew she was healthy and that God had full control of her lungs. However, to see your new baby beside you with tubes gently pushed down her throat would make any new Mommy and Daddy become a bundle of nerves.

Now, 11 months and 27 days later, she's a bundle of medium energy (as how Cesar Millan would describe it). Aly's now walking the frankenstein walk and crawls at 99 MPH. The interaction we now receive from her is out-of-this-world amazing and we wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

So new parents, enjoy every second, every nano-second with your newborn or infant. Go ahead and stare at them while they sleep. Kiss their little toes and carry them everywhere you go because these moments don't last long enough.


Parents Lost in a Whirlwind of Fun

Here's to you, our little 1 year old walking princess. We love you, we adore you, and thank God everyday for you! Happy Birthday Week, love-of-our-life, ALY!!

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