Thursday, January 14, 2010

Black Knees

It was 25 years ago, when I heard, "Don't kneel on your bare knees! They'll turn black and rough! You don't want that, do you?" Scared out of my wits of being doomed with unsightly, dark, rough, who-could-possibly-love-me, knees - I quickly replied with an approving knod. With obedience and yes, fearful of the threat, it was a scarcity to ever see me kneeling without first laying out a magazine, jacket, blanket, never a newspaper because I didn't want the ink to impress itself unto me, and anything else I could quickly grab.

Twenty-five years down the long traveled road, all this training and subconcious behavior, flew out the window in a dash! As I was showering one night, I glanced at my soapy, sudsy knees, & there they were. One rough patch on each knee. How could this have happened???? I was aghast at what I saw. How on earth could I have let this happen?? And then, with a gentle coax, I was happily reminded of exactly how I let it happen. There she was, in her daddy's arms with her pj's on and with her hair neatly combed. She was ready to greet her soggy mommy 'good night' with a sweet kiss on the lips.

I spend half my days on the floor where Aly can better see her mommy, face-to-face. We play on the floor together. We sometimes read on the floor together. We may have snacks while she sits on the floor with me, kneeling beside her. This is how it happened. Would I exchange my now rough-patched, slightly darkened knees for these moments? Not a chnace on God's green earth!!

And how was this next photo taken? While on my knees, of course.

Photo taken with my handy-dandy, iPhone.

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