Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sometimes, All You Need Is Love

Happy Love Day, folks! What did you crazy love birds do this fine Valentine's Day? The weather was gorgeous! Just as gorgeous as your special someone. These two elements combined must have made 2010's Valentine's extra special. I know ours was. Simple, but special. Extra special.

We started our day with church service and a pho lunch shortly followed. As we drove towards the restaurant, my Valentine and love, turned to me and said (enthusiastically!), "Who wants to go to Downtown Disney?!" I jumped with excitement and quickly yelled, " I do!!!" Aly was somewhat startled at the truimphant cheers from the front of the car, but hey, I had to get my "YES" in otherwise, I'll lose my chance. You see peeps, my hubby is not a BIG Disneyland fan. In fact, it's like driving a bent nail into cement. You just can't do it unless you painstainly drill a hole first and then force the nail through. So yes, this was a treat and a half!

(On a side note) ~ This year's Valentine's was even more romantic and heartfelt due to yesterday's healthy and biblical reminder of what a marriage entails. This was a fabulous way to start our weekend. Our teachings came from Hebrews 4:11-14 and Ephesians 5, highlighting on verse 21. Our time shared on this particular day was a gift in itself and we were the happy recipients!

Of course, what would a post be without any photos? We don't have any photos of the 3 of us together to share, but here's what our day at the free part of the "happiest place on earth" looked like.

My loves ~ my Valentines

God's Valentine for Jorge and I

Daddy's loves & Valentines

We had to take the typical tourist shot!

Our day ended in our "happiest place on earth"...
In each other's arms!

Yes sir! This year's Valentine's was special. Extra special!


1 comment:

We love comments & the love and fuzzy warmness it brings!! Thanks for stopping by. You are always welcome!