Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Very Merry CHRISTmas Indeed!

Shrills of laughter and veracious smiles of true happiness permeated the air this Christmas.
It was my parents' 5th grandchild to celebrate Christmas at a time where she can open presents on her own and know that those presents were meant to be hers to fully enjoy. And although their 4 grandsons are an ocean apart from them, I know they relive those moments with them when they see their little one enjoying Christmas for the first time.

Christmas may come but once a year, but it's a day to be celebrated in our hearts throughout the year. And as this new year of 2010 approaches, may we hold Christmas and the true meaning of it, deep within our inner most sellf and dedicate it upon loving others as we love ourselves, but most importantly, let's decicate it to the One who makes it possible.


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