Friday, January 8, 2010

{3 Things You Don't See Everyday Fridays} ~ Certifiable Mullet, Exotic Tang Cars, Mortgage by Calvin & Hobbes

Traveling 50 miles, round trip, for work everyday, I'm bound to see some unusual and sometimes, some downright weird stuff. This morning alone, I saw a couple of things that led me to post this type of entry and thus, tag Fridays as, "3 things you don't see everyday Fridays". It makes for a grand title, but I had a difficult time shortening it. It is, after all, Friday. I, like many others, I'm sure, checks out on Fridays and conveniently, let's my brain off early for the weekend.

Anyhoo... as I drove down the 60 freeway, with the carpool lane ending (I love me some carpool speed!! Having Aly certainly has its perks while in traffic!), I glanced to the right of me and lo and behold! Whoa!! Is that a mullet on that dude? I'm pretty darn sure it was a dude, but the mullet was quite distracting for the millisecond I happened to see it. It looks like a deliberately-styled mullet. Authentic to its very right to be one. Just a bit out of place in some respect. This guy was in a newer model Dodge sedan, wearing a button down shirt, with a flashy watch on his wrist. Yup! This was all taken in and registered in my brain within the millisecond time frame. But yes, this was a mullet! A 100%, certifiable mullet!

Not even a minute passes by after seeing my very first mullet in real life, a tang-colored piece of exoctic goodness passes my radar. A brand, spankin' new, Lamborghini Embolado, in a rich, well, Tang color. I'm 96% sure of the model, however, when I Googled it, a Embolado happens to be a concept car. I'm going to assume, that the driver is someone special or just really spoiled, cause that's what I saw. My eyes did not deceive me. Veering a little off track, but... I have a legit question to ask and if you're a lucky owner of one of these or any other exotic beauty, answer this for me. Why are these the slowest driven vehicles on the road? Surely, the growl of a V8 or V12 engine has something to do with its initial purchase, correct? And, I understand it is extremely expensive to own one, but if you're rich enough to buy one, shouldn't the repair and maintenance be just as affordable? I don't know, I'm just saying... Or maybe they like the attention and revel in it in slow motion. It's not as if I passed this thing up on the road because it certainly did attract a lot of attention. So much so, that it caused a bit of a delay on the already packed freeway. Bunch of lookie-loos. Then again, I was trying to rubber kneck myself into seeing it more closely. GUILTY! On the other hand, my papa-bear trained me well as a mere child, on being able to recognize different car makes and models. This training carried well into adulthood. Well, if it wasn't an Embolado (cool name too; it derives from a Spanish festival, "Torro Embolado"), it was most definitely a Lamborghini. Only Lambos have that distinct citrus paint job. Unmistakable!

Lastly, as I entered our so-called, "kitchen" at work, scurrying to make Aly's breakfast (oatmeal), I saw this on top of the microwave:

It's A Magical World indeed!

And, does anyone remember these?

My Papa gave this to me last night. It was yummy! Cookie-type sticks, dipped in a chocolate cream. Had this with coffee this morning. Breakfast of champions! Too bad most of the sticks were broken.
Oh well... it was still delicious!

I just thought of a new name for our Friday posts. "Unusual 3's Fridays".
It's a lot shorter than the previous title... short and somewhat sweet!
Happy Friday All!!

Photos taken with my handy dandy iPhone.

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